Exhibit B - Excessive Surplus Assessment Report of GHMSI, Inc. Surplus Position
Prepared by Actuarial Risk Management for DC Appleseed
Surplus Review and Determination Regarding Group Hospitalization and Medical Services, Inc.
CareFirst Pre-Hearing Report
DISB Review of GHMSI Surplus Pursuant to the Medical Insurance Empowerment Amendment Act of 2008,
D.C. Code § 31-3501 et seq
Exhibit C - Statement of Deborah Chollet, PhD
Letter from Families USA regarding Surplus Review and Determination Regarding Group Hospitalization and Medical Services, Inc.
Letter from Maryland Insurance Administration
Surplus Review and Determination Regarding Group Hospitalization and Medical Services, Inc.
Consumers Union
Reference for Pre-Hearing Report
August 31, 2009
Premiums Soaring in Consolidated Health Insurance Market, Lack of Competition Hurts Rural States, Small Businesses.
The DISB will require all insurance products forms and rate/ruling to be transmitted via SERFF
This Subprime Statement was developed to address emerging issues and questions relating to subprime mortgage lending practices.
The Special Purpose Financial Captive Authorization Amendment Act of 2006 governs the formation and regulation of special purpose captives engaged in the securitization of insurance risks.
These guidelines are designed to level the playing field in the mortgage market to protect consumers from taking on high-risk mortgages without having a full understanding of the terms of such loans.