Introduction to Student Loan Payment Curriculum Course
Do you have multiple student loans? Which repayment option is best? Could your student loans be discharged? Are you eligible for loan forgiveness?
There are so many subtleties that contribute to the challenge of navigating the student loan repayment process. The Student Loan Ombudsman Office in the Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking (DISB) has created a student loan repayment curriculum, entitled The DISB P.A.T.H., that will support you with traversing the world of student loan repayment.
The DISB P.A.T.H. (Provide Actions to Help) is designed to educate borrowers about financial jargon and student loan terminology, as well as empower them to make well informed decisions about consolidation, repayment, and discharging processes. Borrowers can read real life scenarios and follow step by step directions for applying learned skills to their own situation.
- Module-1-Path to Loan Consolidation
- Module-2-Path to Repayment Options
- Module-3-Path to Income Driven Repayment
- Module-4-Path to Deferment and Forbearance
- Module-5-Path to Student Loan Discharge
- Module-6-Path to Student Loan Forgiveness