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Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking

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District to Hold Public Hearing on Proposed 2020 Health Insurance Rates

Friday, May 31, 2019


The Bowser Administration, will conduct a public hearing to review the 2020 individual and small group health insurance rates proposed by carriers offering health benefit plans sold on DC Health Link. During the hearing, Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB) Commissioner Stephen Taylor also will provide the insurers the opportunity to present their proposed rates, as well as allow the public to provide comment. View the Proposed 2020 Rate Filings here.


Monday, June 10, 2019 at 5:30 pm


One Judiciary Square, Old Council Chambers
441 4th Street NW
Washington, DC 20020


The hearing is open to the public. Any person or organization wishing to testify at the hearing should contact the Department via email at [email protected] or at (202) 442-8571 by 5 pm on Friday, June 7, 2019, to have their names added to the witness list. This deadline has been extended from May 31 to encourage additional participation by the public.

Each witness should provide his or her name, telephone number, email address (if any), organizational affiliation (if any) and title (if any). Witnesses should bring five copies of their written testimony. If a party or witness is deaf, has a hearing impairment, or otherwise cannot readily understand or communicate in English, he or she may apply to the Department for the appointment of a qualified interpreter. In addition, if any hearing attendee requires other special accommodations, he or she should contact the Department at (202) 442- 8571 by 5 pm on Friday, June 7, 2019. Also, written statements can be sent to the same email address prior to the record closing by 5 pm on Monday, June 24, 2019.

The mission of DISB is two-fold: (1) protect consumers by providing equitable, thorough, efficient, and prompt regulatory supervision of the financial services companies, firms, and individuals operating in the District of Columbia; and (2) develop and improve market conditions to attract and retain financial services firms to the District of Columbia.