Activities that DO NOT Require a Title Producer License or Title Attorney License
- Receive telephone calls
- Open mail, office filing and mail billings
- Dispense Brochures
- Dispense buyer’s guides, coverage selection forms, or other similar forms
- Inform the insured of the policy purchased as indicated in policy records
- Receive and record information from a policyholder to give to a title insurance producer or title attorney for their response
- Schedule appointments with title insurance producers or title attorneys to discuss insurance related matters
- Communicate with the policyholder or prospective policyholder in order to obtain factual information necessary for a title insurance producer or title attorney to complete a review
- Receive requests for coverage for transmittal to a licensed title insurance producer or title attorney or for processing through an automated system developed and maintained under the supervision of an insurer or licensed title insurance producer or title attorney
- Obtain underwriting information from credit agencies, DMV, and other insurance agencies and companies
- Search public records and examine titles to determine ownership of property and any and all liens, covenants, judgments and matters affecting the title.
- Prepare a written history, synopsis or summary of recorded instruments affecting a title to real property
- Receive and implement requests from existing policyholders for changes in existing policies which do not involve the purchase of additional coverages
- Underwrite risks by persons who are employed by title insurers who are solely giving guidance and authority to the title insurance producer or title attorney who is dealing directly with the consumer
- Contact tax authorities, lienors, judgment creditors, lenders, parties, etc. for information needed to complete HUD-1
- Provide for post-closing transmittal of documents and disbursements
- If a notary public, witness the execution of documents but not explain or discuss the import of the documents. However, every settlement or closing conducted in the District of Columbia must have, in attendance, at least one person who holds a current Title Producer or Title Attorney License
Activities that DO Require a Title Producer License or Title Attorney License
- Disseminate information regarding rates published, printed or computer generated to consumers or proposed insureds
- Explain, discuss or interpret coverage, analyze exposures or policies, or give opinions or recommendations or suggestions as to coverage to proposed insureds
- Counsel, urge or advise any prospective purchaser to buy a particular policy or to insure with a particular company
- Determine insurability and issue title insurance commitments or policies, or both
- Solicit or negotiate title insurance business to proposed insureds
- Receive compensation from the sale of a title insurance policy
- Maintain or disburse funds out of an escrow, settlement or closing account
- Prepare and issue policies that indemnify the insured against loss
- Issue certificates of insurance, endorsements, closing protection letters, commitments, or insurance policies
- Conduct a settlement or closing* that involves the processing or completing a real estate transaction during which deeds, mortgages, escrows, insurance (title, hazard, PMI etc.), and other required instruments are signed, explained and/or delivered, and an accounting between the parties are made, money is disbursed, paperwork recorded, and all other details such as payment of outstanding liens and transfers are attended to.
*Every settlement or closing conducted in the District of Columbia must have, in attendance, at least one person who holds a current Title Producer or Title Attorney License