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Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking

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General Information for Producers / Agents

The Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB) licenses and regulates producers within the District of Columbia to protect consumers from unfair practices.

  • Both individuals and agencies/firms (Business Entities “BE”) may apply for a producer’s license either as a resident or non-resident applicant.  
  • Both resident and non-resident individuals and BE’s may obtain authority in the areas of life, health, variable annuities, property, casualty, personal lines and surplus lines.  Only resident and non-residents individuals may obtain bail bonds authority.
  • Non-resident applicants must be licensed and in good standing in their resident state and are licensed through reciprocity. 
  • Resident applicants must either take or pass an examinations in the area for which they are applying or have had a like license/authority in another jurisdiction within 90 days of applying for a resident license.
  • BE’s must affiliate a Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP) prior to being granted an insurance license.  The BE may make application for a license with authorities no greater than the authorities assigned to the affiliated DRLP(s).  Additionally, BE’s must register with the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP), Corporations Division, after obtaining its insurance producer license.  DLCP may be reached at or at (202) 442-4400.  (This is a DLCP requirement).
  • With the exception initial resident license for Bail Bonds authority, the licensing examination is administered by Pearson Vue, DISB’s contract vendor for testing.
  • To schedule an examination, please go to
  • Study material for the examination is available at
  • Both resident and nonresidents must apply electronically online at
  • Testing for resident bail bonds authority is administered by DISB.  To schedule an appointment contact the licensing division at (202) 727-8000.

Only resident applicants/licensees must have, or simultaneously apply for, property or casualty authority prior to gaining surplus lines authority.  Non-residents must have this authority in their resident state.

The District of Columbia offers a producer’s license with limited lines authority. The core limited lines authorities include travel, credit, car rental, crop and surety. If a licensee/applicant currently has or is applying for a license with a major authority of property, casualty or personal lines, there is no need to apply for the limited lines of travel, credit, car rental, crop or surety. These limited lines authorities are inclusive with the producer’s license with the appropriate major authorities.

The District of Columbia also offers a producer’s license with authorities of Managing General Agent (MGA) and Reinsurance Intermediary (RI) for both resident and nonresident applicants.

  • In order to process an application for either RI or MGA authorities, applicants must obtain a producer’s license, if not actively licensed as a producer in the District.
  • Each applicant must provide proof of a bond in amount of $100,000 and an E&O policy in the amount of $1,000,000.

Title Insurance Producers must obtain an insurance license to operate in the District. Resident producers with the exception of title attorneys, are required to pass an examination; non-resident applicants will be granted licensure through reciprocity. To schedule an examination, you must contact PearsonVue at Study material is available at To apply for licensure, go to

  • Each applicant must submit a Title Financial Responsibility Certificate which verifies proof of holding an E&O in the amount of $500,000, fidelity bond in the amount of $200,000 and a surety bond in the amount of $200,000.

DISB issues producers licenses that expire biennially on the birth month for individuals and agency/firms licenses that expire biennially on May 31.

  • Initial license only will be issued for a minimum of 18 months to a maximum of 29 months to cycle to the birth month.
  • Late renewal begins the first day after the expiration date of the license and ends 30 days thereafter.
  • Late renewal must be accompanied with a late renewal fee equal to double the license fee.
  • If the license has an expiration date of more than 31 days, licensees must complete the reinstatement process.
  • All renewals are processed electronically online at

Company Appointments

  • If an insurance producer is acting as an agent of an insurer the producer must become an appointed agent of the insurer.  If not, an appointment is not required.
  • If appointed, the company/insurer must renew the appointments each year through NIPR by April 30.
  • A business entity (BE), if appointed with an insurer, is not required by the District to appoint affiliated producers unless commissions are paid directly to the producers on behalf of the BE.