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Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking

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Five Reminders About Your Insurance Coverage

Five Reminders About Your Insurance Coverage

In the wake of a storm or natural disaster, it is important to understand your insurance coverage so that you can navigate the situation effectively. Here are five important reminders about your insurance policies.

  1. Key Coverages to Know

    Flood Insurance: Flooding is not covered by a typical homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy. If you purchased a flood policy from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), or through a private flood insurance carrier, contact the insurance agent who wrote your policy for flood claim information.

    Sewer Backup Coverage: If sewer backup coverage is added to your homeowner’s policy, your losses may be covered if the water damage was caused by sewer lines backing up through your home’s drainpipes.

    Loss of Use Coverage: If your loss was caused by a covered peril and the home is not fit to live in, you may be entitled to additional living expenses to maintain your normal standard of living.

    Debris Removal: Most policies do not cover damage to trees or landscaping, but many policies have debris clean-up allowances. Check your policy.

    Coverage for Other Structures: Damage to structures other than your house may be covered if connected to your house by a fence or utility line, and the loss was caused by a covered peril, such as wind.

    Deductible: Your deductible is the amount of the damage that you are responsible to pay. This amount could be different following a hurricane than it would be following another covered loss. If the cause of the loss is a named storm, it is likely you will be responsible for a percentage of the loss, based on the replacement cost.

    Co-Insurance Clause: Is a provision in your home insurance policy that requires you to carry coverage worth a certain percentage of your home's value. You can be penalized by an insurer if you fail to maintain a certain percentage of coverage.

    Business Interruption Coverage: This covers lost earnings due to circumstances stated in your policy that shut down your business for an extended period.

    If you have questions about your insurance coverage or amounts you are expected to pay, contact DISB at (202) 727-8000.

  2. Protecting Your Damaged Property
    If your home has damage, once it is safe, it is your responsibility to make sure that the damage is not made worse because you did not take action. As part of your claim, your insurance company will typically reimburse the expense of these temporary repairs—assuming the loss was caused by a covered peril—so keep all of your receipts. Before making any repairs, take photos of the damage. If you remove personal property from the home, do not dispose of it until an adjuster from your insurance company has reviewed it for your claim. Many policies include reimbursement for storage costs.
  3. Contacting Your Insurance Company or Agent
    You should keep a copy of your policy or insurance card with your disaster preparation materials. An insurance company representative should also be able to help you find this information.
  4. Power Outage
    There are a couple things to know if you lose power. First, if a fallen tree is to blame for the power outage, it is possible that the cost to clean up the tree may be covered by your homeowner’s insurance. Also, some homeowner’s or renter’s policies do often allow for compensation for food losses up to a certain amount.
  5. Home Inventory
    When you file a claim, you will be asked to make a list of everything damaged or destroyed. This process can be easier with a good home inventory. You can download the free National Association of Insurance Commissioners home inventory app for iPhone® or Android smart phones to get started. Or create a home inventory spreadsheet or list and keep it in a safe place.

For More Information
If the first offer made by the insurance company does not meet your expectations, be prepared to negotiate. If there is a disagreement about the claim, ask the company for the specific language in the policy in question and determine why you and the company interpret your policy differently. If you believe you are being treated unfairly, contact DISB at (202) 727-8000 or online at

Rev. February 2023